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FS2 at Gawber 

Our EYFS Curriculum lays a secure foundation for future learning. We engage children in learning from the very start. Our fundamental aim is that children leave FS2 with all the core skills to be fully ready to learn and thrive in Year 1. We want our children to be confident, caring individuals who can overcome challenges and express themselves.


Foundation Stage Two Curriculum

We have a curriculum that is child-centred and that is based upon a wide range of experiences and topics which engage and stimulate the children. We encourage active learning to ensure the children are motivated and interested. Every child at Gawber is an individual, and we build positive relationships that focus on children’s interests to enable us to create a bespoke curriculum. This results in a personalised, flexible curriculum that meets the needs of both individuals and groups of children.

At Gawber we use Read Write Inc (RWI) - a systematic synthetic phonics programme which helps all children learn to read fluently and at speed. In Maths we use the NCTEM mastery in number. 






Our EYFS curriculum has been designed to reflect our local area. We then aim to give the opportunity to explore the wider world, learning about other places, cultures and environments.  Each topic planned is linked to the EYFS curriculum. We also ensure that our topics are linked with the rest of school, so that children have a strong starting point and can build on previous knowledge as they go through school. All the topics have resources and activities ready to use in the enhanced provision for child initiated learning. Our high-quality Literacy texts have been chosen specifically as a hook for learning, and to engage children in our linked topics. Using books in this way teaches children that books and reading form the basis of all learning. It also enables us to widen children’s vocabulary. We teach through a range of methods including child-initiated learning, whole class teaching, group teaching and personalised interventions.


How we learn in Foundation Stage Two

All areas of the new EYFS curriculum are followed and planned for to ensure there is a broad, balanced and progressive learning environment and curriculum. A vital aspect in the development of essential knowledge and skills is the use of continuous provision, both indoors and outdoors. Children use and develop emotional, social, physical and communication skills through play-based provision and activities. This ‘continuous provision’ supports children to develop key characteristics such as independence, curiosity, energy and enthusiasm. During the school day, we encourage children to work independently, alongside their peers and with adults.


Daily guided activities are also planned to cover different areas of the EYFS curriculum and identify children’s next steps for learning. Through observation and discussion, areas of need and next steps are identified for all children to ensure good progress is made. Staff in the EYFS make regular observations of the children’s learning, and then plan appropriate activities to ensure their next steps are met. Where appropriate, personalised learning and interventions for groups or individuals of children are also implemented and monitored on a continual basis.


At Gawber, we believe that communication with parents and carers is vital. Parents have the opportunity to meet with new teachers and visit their child’s new learning environment, and are also invited to transition visits before the new school year. We use Class Dojo to share the children’s learning and achievements on a daily basis. We also provide parents with guidance on how we teach phonics and early reading.


To support our wider curriculum, we provide regular opportunities for parents and carers to share their child's learning and celebrate successes. We always make time to talk to parents about their child’s progress and wellbeing, and are happy to discuss any concerns they may have. We keep parents informed and meet regularly with them to ensure their child’s time in EYFS is happy and successful. Throughout the year, we provide ‘stay and play’ sessions, parent workshops, reports and parent meetings.


What is effective learning?

At Gawber, our Early Years children demonstrate high levels of engagement in activities, developing their vocabulary and speaking and listening skills. This enables them to confidently access other areas of learning and to communicate with both adults and children. This focus on communication skills ensures that our children develop concentration, persistence and co-operation. Most importantly, they become confident to ‘have a go’ and work with increasing independence. 

From their individual starting points, we expect all children, even those at risk of disadvantage, to achieve age related expectations. We aim to give every child the best foundations to prepare them for lifelong learning. We challenge every child to ensure they reach their full potential.


Personal Social and Emotional Development

From their first day of school, we want children to feel part of the ‘Gawber Family.’ We help children to form positive relationships with all adults in the school, and make friendships for life. Children are encouraged to think about others, care for other people and our school environment. Our timetable and engaging environment encourage children to be independent and resilient. Children are encouraged to manage their own personal and hygiene needs, and learn the importance of being healthy. Adults model finding things difficult and persevering, and we support children challenge themselves and believe in their own abilities. We teach children the importance of rules, and they are responsible for making right choices. We encourage children to reflect on their own and others’ actions and behaviour. We aim to provide a secure foundation, so that children continue to develop strong personal, social and emotional skills throughout their school journey. We use '1decision' stories to help support our teaching.



Physical Development

We are developing an outside area that promotes physical challenge, such as large, moveable equipment so children can develop their imaginations and create their own trails, dens and games. We are constantly introducing activities to develop children’s balance, strength and coordination. Children learn to take measured risks, with adult supervision and feedback. Children also have bi-weekly PE lessons, where they learn to move in a variety of ways and develop their ball skills and take part in team games. In weekly ‘welly walks’, the children explore the outside environment, observe and discuss changes in the seasons and learn about plants and animals. Through challenges in provision and adult-led activities, children develop their fine motor skills, which helps to develop pencil grip. This is vital to ensure children a smooth start in writing in Year One.


Communication and Language

Throughout the year, children develop their speaking and listening skills. Indoor and outdoor displays promote the key vocabulary that links to current learning.  Adults model using language effectively, and children are encouraged to use new vocabulary in play and discussions. Each topic encompasses enhancements to the learning environment that include role-play areas and small-world play. These enhancements encourage the children to act out scenarios and discuss concepts being learnt. In our daily English lessons, we teach children to communicate their ideas in whole class discussions and talk partner work. Children are encouraged to ask questions and contribute to group discussion whenever possible.  

Developing a love of reading is a core value across the school. We promote this in FS2 through daily story sessions and access to high-quality stories and non-fiction books in our cosy reading area. We the Read Write Inc phonics programme to ensure all children become confident readers from an early age. Children are given a non-worded book in the first term, to encourage children to develop early reading skills such as turning the page and talking about characters and settings. Children also have the opportunity to choose a book from our school library, which they can change on a weekly basis. FS2 children enjoy a shared reading time every week with their Year 6 reading buddies.


