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Mini Monsters

Class 1 - Mini Monsters

Class teacher: Miss Smith

Friday 05.03.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling test, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), Mini-monster meet up (live session), numeracy (live lesson), PE, Golden Time (choosing time) and story time. Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 05.03.21

Today we will recap some of this week’s sounds. Open the resource titled ‘Real and nonsense words- Group 1’ and read the words. The words without a monster next to them are real words and need to make sense. The words with a monster next to them are nonsense words. THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THIS RESOURCE - please just read the words on the screen as there are quite a few pages.

Group 2 PHONICS 05.03.21

Today we will recap some of this week’s sounds. Open the resource titled ‘Real and nonsense words- Group 2’ and read the words. The words without a monster next to them are real words and need to make sense. The words with a monster next to them are nonsense words. THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THIS RESOURCE - please just read the words on the screen as there are quite a few pages.


Today practise writing the words that contain this week’s letters. Please complete the rest of the page. Don’t forget to leave a finger space between each word. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today you will need your favourite book again and a piece of lined paper. For today’s activity you are going to write sentences to describe your favourite character or characters form your book.


The slides below are what we will be going through in today’s lesson and you will need the worksheets titled ‘Number Line Missing Number Subtractions – worksheet 1’ and ‘Number Line Missing Number Subtractions – worksheet 2’ or a piece of paper, a pencil, and a number line to 50.

PE LESSON 05.03.21

This is the link to today’s PE session. Today’s lesson is a yoga lesson and it is called Moana.

Thursday 04.03.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy lesson (live lesson), numeracy lesson (live lesson), World Book Day Activities (live lesson) and story time. Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 04.03.21

Today we will recap the sounds learnt this week. Complete the activities on the activity sheets. When you have done this, see if you can ask your grown up if they will read out some of the words and see if you can spell them on your own.

Group 2 PHONICS 04.03.21

Today we will recap the sounds learnt this week. Complete the activities on the activity sheets. When you have done this, see if you can ask your grown up if they will read out some of the words and see if you can spell them on your own.


Today practise writing the words that contain this week’s letters. Please only complete the top 4 rows of words on the second page. Don’t forget to leave a finger space between each word. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today for World Book Day you will need your favourite book again and a piece of lined paper. For today’s activity you are going to write about your favourite picture or part of your book.


The slides below are what we will be going through in today’s lesson and you will need the worksheets titled ‘Number Line Missing Number Additions – worksheet 1’ and ‘Number Line Missing Number Additions – worksheet 2’ or a piece of paper, a pencil, and a number line to 50.

World Book Day Activities 04.03.21

For this afternoon’s session you can choose from the World Book Day activities that have been put together for the whole school which are on the following link. On this link there is also the Masked Reader video where you have to guess which member of staff is reading little parts from their books.

You could also do some of the following activities.

Wednesday 03.03.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy (live lesson), road safety (live lesson) and story time. The story for today will be uploaded to Dojo shortly. Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 03.03.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ow’ (cow) sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

Group 2 PHONICS 03.03.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ph’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Today will you please only complete the bottom 4 rows of letters. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today we will be learning about World Book Day and you will need your favourite book. For today’s activity you are going to write a book review of your favourite book.


The slides below are what we will be going through in today’s lesson and you will need the worksheets titled ‘Number Line Subtractions from 20 – worksheet’ and ‘Number Line Subtractions from 30 – worksheet’ or a piece of paper, a pencil, and a number line to 50.

Road Safety Lesson 03.03.21

Please find attached the slides that we will be reading through today about road safety and the Green Cross Code. The activity today is to design a warning sign to make people ‘Stop, look and listen’ when they are crossing the road. The outline for the warning sign can be found on the worksheet titled ‘My Road Safety Sign - worksheet’.

Tuesday 02.03.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy (live lesson), reading comprehension (live lesson), PE and music. Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 02.03.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘er’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

Group 2 PHONICS 02.03.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ie’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Complete the middle 4 rows of letters only. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to write some ‘ay’ sound words on the sheet titled ‘ay words - worksheet’, and to write some sentences containing these words. 


The slides below are what we will be going through in today’s lesson and you will need the worksheets titled ‘Number Line Additions to 20 – worksheet’ and ‘Number Line Additions to 30 – worksheet’ or a piece of paper, a pencil, and a number line to 50.

PE LESSON 02.03.21

These are the links to today’s PE sessions. Today we are doing two fitness sessions. The first one is a five-minute workout. After you have done this have a little rest and then do the eight-minute workout.


This is today’s music lesson focusing on pitch – High Sounds.


Today we are going to do a reading comprehension called ‘The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse - text’. I will go through this in our session this afternoon and we will answer a set of questions together. You can then answer some more questions about the text. These questions are on the sheet titled ‘The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse – questions’.

Monday 01.03.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy (live lesson), science (live lesson) and story time. The story for today will be uploaded to Dojo shortly. Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 01.03.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ur’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

Group 2 PHONICS 01.03.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ue’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Today will you please only complete the top 4 rows of letters. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to use conjunctions to extend some short sentences on the sheet titled ‘Conjunctions - worksheet’.


This week we are going to be completing additions and subtractions. The slides below are what we will be going through in today’s lesson and you will need the worksheet titled ‘Find the answer – additions – worksheet’ or a piece of paper, a pencil, and a number line or a 100 number square. 


Here are the slides that we will talk through today in our science lesson about plants. The resource sheet that you need is titled ‘Which foods come from plants? - worksheet’.

Friday 26.02.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling test, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), Mini-monster meet up (live session), numeracy (live lesson), PE, Golden Time (choosing time) and story time. The story today will be read by Mrs Exley and will be posted on Dojo shortly.  Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 26.02.21

Today we will recap some of this week’s sounds. Open the resource titled ‘Real and nonsense words- Group 1’ and read the words. The words without a monster next to them are real words and need to make sense. The words with a monster next to them are nonsense words. THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THIS RESOURCE - please just read the words on the screen as there are quite a few pages.

Group 2 PHONICS 26.02.21

Today we will recap some of this week’s sounds. Open the resource titled ‘Real and nonsense words- Group 2’ and read the words. The words without a monster next to them are real words and need to make sense. The words with a monster next to them are nonsense words. THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THIS RESOURCE - please just read the words on the screen as there are quite a few pages.


Today practise writing the words that contain this week’s letters. Please complete the rest of the page. Don’t forget to leave a finger space between each word. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is for you to write a letter to say why the builders should not destroy the rainforest.  

Mini-monster Meet Up 26.02.21

In today’s whole class meet up we will be playing a number game.


Today we are going to be recapping counting in 5s. The slides below are what we will be going through in today’s lesson and you will need the worksheets titled ‘Counting in 5s to 100’ and ‘Counting in 5s - Hands’ or a piece of paper, some colours and a pencil. 

PE LESSON 26.02.21

This is the link to today’s PE session. Today’s lesson is a yoga lesson and it is called The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Thursday 25.02.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy lesson (live lesson), numeracy lesson (live lesson), road safety lesson (live lesson) and story time. Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 25.02.21

Today we will recap the sounds learnt this week. Complete the activities on the activity sheets. When you have done this, see if you can ask your grown up if they will read out some of the words and see if you can spell them on your own.

Group 2 PHONICS 25.02.21

Today we will recap the sounds learnt this week. Complete the activities on the activity sheets. When you have done this, see if you can ask your grown up if they will read out some of the words and see if you can spell them on your own.


Today practise writing the words that contain this week’s letters. Please only complete the top 4 rows of words on the second page. Don’t forget to leave a finger space between each word. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find below the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to write some sentences to say how you would feel if your favourite place was ruined.


Today we are going to be recapping counting in 2s. The slides below are what we will be going through in today’s lesson and you will need the worksheets titled ‘Counting in 2s to 100’ and ‘Counting in 2s - Flowers’ or a piece of paper, some colours and a pencil. 

Road Safety Lesson 25.02.21

Please find attached the slides that we will be reading through today about road safety and the Green Cross Code. The activity today is to draw pictures to create your own poster to show the Green Cross Code on the worksheet titled ‘My Green Cross Code Poster’.

Wednesday 24.02.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy (live lesson), RE (live lesson) and story time. Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 24.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘are’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

Group 2 PHONICS 24.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘e-e’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Today will you please only complete the bottom 4 rows of letters. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find below the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to draw your favourite place and then write some sentences to describe your favourite place.


Today we are going to be following on from yesterday where we were recapping splitting 2-digit numbers into tens and ones. The slides below are what we will be going through in today’s lesson and you will need the worksheet titled ‘Number Partitioning’ or a piece of paper, a pencil and a 100 number square. 

RE – Religious Education Lesson 24.02.21

Please find below the slides that we will be reading through in our live lesson today for RE. Today we are going to be reading a story and learning about The Good Samaritan.

STORY TIME 24.02.21

Tuesday 23.02.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy (live lesson), reading comprehension (live lesson), PE and music. Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 23.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘aw’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

Group 2 PHONICS 23.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘au’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Complete the middle 4 rows of letters only. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to write some questions that you could ask the little boy in today’s story.


Today we are going to be recapping splitting 2-digit numbers into tens and ones. The slides below are what we will be going through in today’s lesson and you will need the worksheet titled ‘What’s my number?’ or a piece of paper, a pencil and a 100 number square.  

PE LESSON 23.02.21

These are the links to today’s PE sessions. Today we are doing two fitness sessions. The first one is a five-minute workout. After you have done this have a little rest and then do the eight-minute workout.

MUSIC LESSON  23.02.21

This is today’s music lesson focusing on Pitch – What is pitch?


Today we are going to do a reading comprehension called ‘Stop Telling Fibs - text’. I will go through this in our session this afternoon and we will answer a set of questions together. You can then answer some more questions about the text. These questions are on the sheet titled ‘Stop Telling Fibs – questions’.

Monday 22.02.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson 10.25am), numeracy (live lesson 11.30am), science (live lesson12.25pm) and story time. Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 22.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘u_e’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

Group 2 PHONICS 22.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ure’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Today will you please only complete the top 4 rows of letters. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to write some ‘ck’ sound words on the sheet titled ‘ck words - worksheet’, and to write some sentences containing these words


This week we are going to be recapping on number order and our counting skills. The slides below are what we will be going through in today’s lesson and you will need the worksheet titled ‘Numbers Between’ or a piece of paper, a pencil, a number line and a 100 number square.  


Today we will be starting our new science topic about plants. Here are the slides that we will go through today in our science lesson. The resource sheet that you need is titled ‘Plants Around Us - worksheet’. There is also a little video that you can watch where you can learn about some of the different plants growing outdoors.

STORY TIME 22.02.21

Friday 12.02.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling test, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), Mini-monster meet up (live session), numeracy (live lesson), PE and story time. The story today will be read by Mrs Hanson and will be posted on Dojo shortly. Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 12.02.21

Today we will recap some of this week’s sounds. Open the resource titled ‘Real and nonsense words- Group 1’ and read the words. The words without a monster next to them are real words and need to make sense. The words with a monster next to them are nonsense words. THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THIS RESOURCE - please just read the words on the screen as there are quite a few pages.

Group 2 PHONICS 12.02.21

Today we will recap some of this week’s sounds. Open the resource titled ‘Real and nonsense words- Group 2’ and read the words. The words without a monster next to them are real words and need to make sense. The words with a monster next to them are nonsense words. THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THIS RESOURCE - please just read the words on the screen as there are quite a few pages.


Today practise writing the words that contain this week’s letters. Please complete the rest of the page. Don’t forget to leave a finger space between each word. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is for you to use the conjunctions ‘and’ or ‘because’ to extend a sentence.  


In today’s class meet up the children learning from home will be doing show and tell. For all children learning from home you need to have one or two things ready to show your friends in class.


Today we are going to be solving additions by using the different ways we have learnt. This is today’s numeracy lesson. You will need some paper and a pencil.

I have made you an additions worksheet with lots of additions on it. There are some doubles and near doubles, number bonds and additions that go above 10, 20 and higher. Complete the additions working from the top of the page down and do as many as you can do. I have also attached a 100 number square if you want to use this to help you with your bigger additions.

PE 12.02.21

This is the link to today’s PE session. Today’s lesson is a yoga lesson and it is called Fairy Floss.

Thursday 11.02.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy lesson, numeracy lesson, celebration lesson (live lesson) and story time. Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 11.02.21

Today we will recap the sounds learnt this week. Complete the activities on the activity sheets. When you have done this, see if you can ask your grown up if they will read out some of the words and see if you can spell them on your own.

Group 2 PHONICS 11.02.21

Today we will recap the sounds learnt this week. Complete the activities on the activity sheets. When you have done this, see if you can ask your grown up if they will read out some of the words and see if you can spell them on your own.


Today practise writing the words that contain this week’s letters. Please only complete the top 4 rows of words on the second page. Don’t forget to leave a finger space between each word. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to say what you would rather do and why by completing the worksheet titled ‘Would you rather….?’.  


Today we are going to be recapping additions by finding equivalent additions. This is today’s numeracy lesson. You will need some paper and a pencil.

I have made you an additions worksheet where you have to find the missing numbers in additions to find 3 ways to make an equivalent amount.

Celebrations Lesson – Valentine’s Day 11.02.21

Please find attached the slides that we will be reading through today about the celebration of St. Valentine’s Day. The activity today is to draw pictures of the people who you love on the worksheet titled ‘These are the people I love….’.

Here are some card templates to print off to make your own Valentine’s Day card or cards.

STORY TIME 11.02.21

Wednesday 10.02.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy (live lesson), art (live lesson) and story time. Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.


Group 1 PHONICS 10.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘o_e’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

Group 2 PHONICS 10.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ear’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Today will you please only complete the bottom 4 rows of letters. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to pretend that you are Jack and write some sentences to describe what you saw when you reached the top of the beanstalk.


Today we are going to be recapping different ways to answer additions by making ten. This is today’s numeracy lesson. You will need some paper and a pencil.

Here is a worksheet with lots of additions on it so that you can make ten to help you find the answer.

ART LESSON 10.02.21

Please find attached the slides that I will be talking through this afternoon. This week the artist that we are learning about is called Vincent Van Gogh. We will be creating our own picture of his famous painting called ‘Starry Night’. You will need a piece of plain paper and some paints or some crayons, colouring pencils or felt tips.

Here is a picture of the ‘Starry Night’ painting by Van Gogh for you to use to create your own version.

There is also a little video to watch about Vincent Van Gogh.

STORY TIME 10.02.21

Tuesday 09.02.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy (live lesson), reading comprehension (live lesson), PE and music. Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 09.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘i_e’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

Group 2 PHONICS 09.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ire’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Complete the middle 4 rows of letters only. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to write some questions that you could ask the giant in today’s story of Jack and the Beanstalk.


Today we are going to be recapping different ways to answer additions that are near doubles. This is today’s numeracy lesson. You will need some paper and a pencil.

Here is a doubles and near doubles worksheet.

PE 09.02.21

These are the links to today’s PE sessions. Today we are doing two fitness sessions. The first one is a five-minute workout. After you have done this have a little rest and then do the eight-minute workout.

MUSIC 09.02.21

This is today’s music lesson – Maintaining pulse and finding the strong beats. You will need a teddy or a toy.


Today we are going to do a reading comprehension called ‘Formidable Sid - text’. I will go through this in our session this afternoon and we will answer a set of questions together. You can then answer some more questions about the text. These questions are on the sheet titled ‘Formidable Sid – questions’.

Monday 08.02.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy (live lesson), science (live lesson) and story time. The story today will be read by Mrs Hanson and will be posted on Dojo shortly. 

Group 1 PHONICS 08.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘a_e’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

Group 2 PHONICS 08.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ew’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Today will you please only complete the top 4 rows of letters. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to write some ‘ff’ and ‘ss’ sound words on the sheet titled ‘ff and ss words - worksheet’, and to write some sentences containing these words. 


This week we are going to be recapping different ways to answer addition and subtraction calculations. This is today’s numeracy lesson. You will need some paper and a pencil.

I have included a worksheet, titled ‘Number Trios –worksheet’, where you have to use the three numbers from the number bond given to make two addition sentences and two subtraction sentences. We call these three numbers ‘number trios’ and you need to make sure that you only use the three numbers given. Remember that the biggest number always goes at the end of an addition and the biggest number always goes at the start of a subtraction.


Please read through the slides for today’s lesson. The resource sheet that you need is titled ‘All About a Pet - worksheet’.  

Friday 05.02.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling test, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), mini-monsters meet up (live session), numeracy (live lesson), PE, Golden Time (choosing time) and story time. The story today will be read by Mrs Hanson and will be posted on Dojo shortly. 

Group 1 PHONICS 05.02.21

Today we will recap some of this week’s sounds. Open the resource titled ‘Real and nonsense words’ and read the words. The words without a monster next to them are real words and need to make sense. The words with a monster next to them are nonsense words. THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THIS RESOURCE - please just read the words on the screen as there are quite a few pages.

Group 2 PHONICS 05.02.21

Today we will recap some of this week’s sounds. Open the resource titled ‘Real and nonsense words’ and read the words. The words without a monster next to them are real words and need to make sense. The words with a monster next to them are nonsense words. THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THIS RESOURCE - please just read the words on the screen as there are quite a few pages.


Today practise writing the words that contain this week’s letters. Please complete the rest of the page. Don’t forget to leave a finger space between each word. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to carry on with your story from yesterday and finish your own version of story The Three Billy Goats Gruff.


Today we are going to be learning again about how to tell the time to half past. You will need some paper and a pencil and if you have a clock you will need this too. After you have done the lesson online I have made a sheet for you to draw the hands on the clocks to make the times.

Here are some half past challenge cards if you want to challenge yourself at the end of today's lesson.

PE 05.02.21

This is the link to today’s PE session. Today’s lesson is a yoga lesson and it is called The Wizard of Oz.

Thursday 04.02.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy (live lesson), PSHE (live lesson) and story time. Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 04.02.21

Today we will recap the sounds learnt this week. Complete the activities on the activity sheets. When you have done this, see if you can ask your grown up if they will read out some of the words and see if you can spell them on your own.

Group 2 PHONICS 04.02.21

Today we will recap the sounds learnt this week. Complete the activities on the activity sheets. When you have done this, see if you can ask your grown up if they will read out some of the words and see if you can spell them on your own.


Today practise writing the words that contain this week’s letters. Please only complete the top 4 rows of words. Don’t forget to leave a finger space between each word. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to begin to write your own version of story The Three Billy Goats Gruff.


Today we are going to be learning about how to tell the time to o’clock and half past. You will need some paper and a pencil and if you have a clock you will need this too. After you have done the lesson online I have made a sheet for you to write the half past times on the clocks.

PSHE Lesson 04.02.21

Please find attached the slides that we will be reading through this afternoon for PSHE. Then complete the activity titled ‘All About Me’.

STORY TIME 04.02.05

Wednesday 03.02.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy (live lesson), art (live lesson) and story time. Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 03.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘oi’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

Group 2 PHONICS 03.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘oa’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Today will you please only complete the bottom 4 rows of letters. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to use some speech in speech bubbles for the characters in the story.


Today we are going to be learning about how to tell the time to o’clock again. You will need some paper and a pencil and if you have a clock you will need this too. I did put a clock template on the website yesterday so you could make your own if you want to do that. After you have done the lesson online I have made a sheet for you to draw the hands on the clocks to show the times.

Here are some o'clock challenge cards if you want to challenge yourself at the end of today's lesson.

ART LESSON 03.02.21

Please find attached the slides that I will be talking through in our class this afternoon. This week the artist that we are learning about is called Claude Monet. We will be creating our own picture of your garden or a part of your garden in the style of Monet or drawing your own version of your favourite Monet painting. You will need a piece of plain paper and some paints, crayons, colouring pencils or felt tips.

There are also two videos to watch about Monet if you want to learn more about the artist. One is very short and one is a long video but it is very good.

STORY TIME 03.02.21


Tuesday 02.02.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy / reading comprehension (live lesson), PE and music. Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 02.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ea’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

Group 2 PHONICS 02.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ai’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Complete the middle 4 rows of letters only. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to write some questions that you could ask the characters in today’s story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff.


Today we are going to be learning how to tell the time to o’clock. You will need some paper and a pencil. After you have done the lesson online I have made a sheet for you to write the times underneath the clocks.

If you want to make your own clock to make different times here is a clock template to make your own clock.

PE 02.02.21

These are the links to today’s PE sessions. Today we are doing two fitness sessions. The first one is a five-minute workout. After you have done this have a little rest and then do the eight-minute workout.

MUSIC 02.02.21

This is today’s music lesson – Physicalising pulse in different ways. You will need a teddy or a toy.


Today we are going to do a reading comprehension called ‘Wake-up Time on Bumble Farm - text’. I will go through this in our session this afternoon and we will answer a set of questions together. You can then answer some more questions about the text. These questions are on the sheet titled ‘Wake-up Time on Bumble Farm – questions’.

Monday 01.02.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy and science (live lesson) and story time. The story today will be read by Mrs Hanson and will be posted on Dojo shortly. 

Group 1 PHONICS 01.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘oy’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

Group 2 PHONICS 01.02.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ow’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Today will you please only complete the top 4 rows of letters. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to write some ‘ll’ sound words on the sheet titled ‘ll words - worksheet’, and to write some sentences containing these words.


This week we are going to be learning how to tell the time. This is today’s numeracy lesson where you will be looking at minutes and seconds. You will need some paper and a pencil. After you have done the lesson online, can you see how many times you can write your name in 10 seconds, 30 seconds and 1 minute?

SCIENCE 01.02.21

Here are the slides that we went through today in the lesson. The resource sheets that you will need are titled ‘Animal bodies - worksheet’ and ‘Animal body parts word mat.  

Friday 29.01.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling test, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy (live lesson), PE, Golden Time (30mins choosing time) and story time. The story today will be read by Mrs Hanson and will be posted on Dojo shortly. 

Group 1 PHONICS 29.01.21

Today we will recap some of this week’s sounds. Open the resource titled ‘Real and nonsense words- Group 1’ and read the words. The words without a monster next to them are real words and need to make sense. The words with a monster next to them are nonsense words. THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THIS RESOURCE - please just read the words on the screen as there are quite a few pages.

Group 2 PHONICS 29.01.21

Today we will recap some of this week’s sounds. Open the resource titled ‘Real and nonsense words- Group 2’ and read the words. The words without a monster next to them are real words and need to make sense. The words with a monster next to them are nonsense words. THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THIS RESOURCE - please just read the words on the screen as there are quite a few pages.


Today practise writing the words that contain this week’s letters. Please complete the rest of the page. Don’t forget to leave a finger space between each word. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is for you write some facts about real bears. 


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in numeracy. Today’s activity is to complete the worksheet titled ‘Double and Half’.

At the end of the lesson above we will go through the video that follows on from this week’s numeracy lessons which looks at understanding halves and quarters of quantities. In class we will just be talking through this altogether.

PE 29.01.21

This is the link to today’s PE session. Today’s lesson is a yoga lesson and it is called Minecraft.

Thursday 28.01.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy, Religious Education (live lesson) and story time. The story today will be read by Mrs Hanson and will be posted on Dojo shortly.  

Group 1 PHONICS 28.01.21

Today we will recap the sounds learnt this week. Complete the activities on the activity sheets. When you have done this, see if you can ask your grown up if they will read out some of the words and see if you can spell them on your own.

Group 2 PHONICS 28.01.21

Today we will recap the sounds learnt this week. Complete the activities on the activity sheets. When you have done this, see if you can ask your grown up if they will read out some of the words and see if you can spell them on your own.


Today practise writing the words that contain this week’s letters. Please only complete the top 4 rows of words. Don’t forget to leave a finger space between each word. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to make a wanted poster to help catch Goldilocks.  


This is today’s numeracy lesson. This lesson follows on from yesterday’s lesson about arrays. You will need some paper and a pencil.

RE - Religious Education Lesson 28.01.21

Please find attached the slides that we will be reading through in our live lesson today for RE. Today we are going to write a prayer to say thank you to God for the world that he created.

Wednesday 27.01.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy, art (live lesson) and story time. Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.


Group 1 PHONICS 27.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ou’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

Group 2 PHONICS 27.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘er’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Today will you please only complete the bottom 4 rows of letters. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to use sequencing words to begin sentences when retelling the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.


This is today’s numeracy lesson. This lesson looks at beginning to learn about arrays. You will need some paper and a pencil.

ART LESSON 27.01.21

Please find attached the slides that I will be talking through in our class this afternoon. This week the artist that we are learning about is called L. S. Lowry. We will be creating our own picture in the style of Lowry or drawing your own version of your favourite Lowry painting. You will need a piece of plain paper, a black pencil or felt tip and some colours.

There is also a little video to watch about Lowry if you want to learn more about the artist and how he paints his pictures.

STORY TIME 27.01.21

Tuesday 26.01.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy, reading comprehension (live lesson), PE and music.

Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 26.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ir’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

Group 2 PHONICS 26.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ur’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Complete the middle 4 rows of letters only. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to write some speech for the characters in the story. 


This is today’s numeracy lesson. This lesson looks again at how to share a total equally and to find the number of groups. You will need some paper and a pencil.

PE 26.01.21

These are the links to today’s PE session. Today we are doing two fitness sessions. The first one is a five-minute workout. After you have done this have a little rest and then do the eight-minute workout.

MUSIC 26.01.21

This is today’s music lesson – Understanding how sound is represented by symbols. You will need a teddy or a toy, a piece of paper and a pencil.


Today we are going to do a reading comprehension called ‘The Runaway Iceberg - text’. I will go through this in our session this afternoon and we will answer a set of questions together. You can then answer some more questions about the text. These questions are on the sheet titled ‘The Runaway Iceberg – questions’.

Monday 25.01.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson 10.25am), numeracy/science (live lesson 12.25pm) and story time. The story today is another artist based Katie story titled ‘Katie and the Bathers’ and the link to this is on the website. 

Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 25.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘air’ sound.

Group 2 PHONICS 25.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘are’ sound. I have found Mrs Suthers again for our lesson and the link is below. Miss Swan’s phonics lesson is also below in case Mrs Suthers’ link doesn’t open.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Today will you please only complete the top 4 rows of letters. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to write some more ‘r’ consonant blend words on the sheet titled ‘r blends’, and to write some sentences containing these words. 


This is today’s numeracy lesson. This lesson follows on from the work we have done last week. You will need some paper and a pencil. You may also need some scissors and some objects to count with.


Here are the slides that we went through today in the lesson. The resource sheets that you will need are titled ‘Science Labelled Sorting Sheets’, ‘What do I eat picture sorting cards’.  

There are three videos to watch that tell you all about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

STORY TIME 25.01.21

Here is the link to another story book by James Mayhew about Katie and her adventures at the National Art Gallery. Today’s story is called ‘Katie and the Bathers’. I hope that you like it!

Friday 22.01.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy (live lesson), PE and story time. The story today will be read by Mrs Hanson and will be posted on Dojo shortly. 

Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 22.01.21

Today we will recap some of this week’s sounds. Open the resource titled ‘Real and nonsense words- Group 1’ and read the words. The words without a monster next to them are real words and need to make sense. The words with a monster next to them are nonsense words. THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THIS RESOURCE - please just read the words on the screen as there are quite a few pages.

Group 2 PHONICS 22.01.21

Today we will recap some of this week’s sounds. Open the resource titled ‘Real and nonsense words- Group 2’ and read the words. The words without a monster next to them are real words and need to make sense. The words with a monster next to them are nonsense words. THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THIS RESOURCE - please just read the words on the screen as there are quite a few pages.


Today practise writing the words that contain this week’s letters. Please complete the rest of the page. Don’t forget to leave a finger space between each word. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is for you write some facts about real wolves.  


This is today’s numeracy lesson. This lesson looks at sharing amounts equally between a set number of groups. You will need paper, a pencil and some objects to share out.

PE 22.01.21

This is the link to today’s PE session. Today’s lesson is a yoga lesson and it is called Pedro Penguin goes to the Fun Fair.

Thursday 21.01.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy (online lesson), Religious Education (live lesson), and story time. The story today will be read by Mrs Hanson and will be posted on Dojo shortly.  

Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 21.01.21

Today we will recap the sounds learnt this week. Complete the activities on the activity sheets. When you have done this, see if you can ask your grown up if they will read out some of the words and see if you can spell them on your own.

Group 2 PHONICS 21.01.21

Today we will recap the sounds learnt this week. Complete the activities on the activity sheets. When you have done this, see if you can ask your grown up if they will read out some of the words and see if you can spell them on your own.


Today practise writing the words that contain this week’s letters. Please only complete the top 4 rows of words. Don’t forget to leave a finger space between each word. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to continue using our story planner to write the rest of our own version of Little Red Riding Hood.

NUMERACY 21.01.21

This is today’s numeracy lesson. This lesson looks at solving problems using repeated patterns. You will need paper and a pencil.

RE - Religious Education Lesson 21.01.21

Please find attached the slides that we will be reading through in the lesson today in RE. We will be using the resource titled ‘The Creation Story Part 2’ today and there are two versions for you to choose from.

Wednesday 20.01.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy, art (live lesson), and story time (see the link below in the art lesson).

Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 20.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ar’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

Group 2 PHONICS 20.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘aw’ sound.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Today will you please only complete the bottom 4 rows of letters. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to write half of our own Little Red Riding Hood story using the pictures that we ordered yesterday.

NUMERACY 20.01.21

This is today’s numeracy lesson. This lesson looks at adding equal groups again. You will need paper and a pencil.

ART LESSON 20.01.21

Please find attached the slides that I will be talking through in our class this afternoon. This week the artist that we are learning about is called Wassily Kandinsky. We will be creating our own picture in the style of Kandinsky. You will need a piece of plain paper, a black pencil or felt tip and some colours.

There is also a little video to watch about Kandinsky if you want to learn more about the artist and how he paints his pictures using music to help him.

STORY TIME 20.01.21

Tuesday 19.01.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson), numeracy/reading comprehension (live lesson), PE and music.

Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 19.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘oo’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

Group 2 PHONICS 19.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘u__e’ sound.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Complete the middle 4 rows of letters only. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to order the pictures of Little Red Riding Hood on the sheet titled ‘Little Red Riding Hood- a picture story’, and then use the pictures to retell the story to somebody else. 

NUMERACY 19.01.21

This is today’s numeracy lesson. This lesson looks at adding equal groups. You will need paper and a pencil.

PE 19.01.21

This is the link to today’s PE session. Today we are doing another fitness workout from the summer with a boy called Sid and Joe Wicks. I hope that you don’t get too puffed out!

MUSIC 19.01.21

This is today’s music lesson – Creating simple patterns


Today we are going to do a reading comprehension called ‘The Zoo Vet - text’. I will go through this in our session this afternoon and we will answer a set of questions together. You can then answer some more questions about the text. These questions are on the sheet titled ‘The Zoo Vet – questions’.

Monday 18.01.21

The order of the lessons for today are phonics, spelling practise, handwriting, literacy (live lesson 10.25am), numeracy/science (live lesson 12.25pm) and story time. The story today will be read by Mrs Hanson and will be posted on Dojo shortly. 

Please continue to upload all of the children’s work to Dojo just like normal.

Group 1 PHONICS 18.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘oo’ sound.

Group 2 PHONICS 18.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘o_e’ sound.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Today will you please only complete the top 4 rows of letters. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to write some 'r' consonant blend words on the sheet titled ‘r blends’, and to write some sentences containing these words.  


This is today’s numeracy lesson. This lesson follows on from the work we have done about money just before Christmas and the work that we have done on doubling last week. You will need paper and a pencil.


Here are the slides that we went through in today’s lesson. The worksheets that you will need are titled ‘Sorting Animals into Groups’.  

Friday 15.01.21

Group 1 PHONICS 15.01.21

Today we will recap some of this week’s sounds. Open the resource titled ‘Real and nonsense words- Group 1’ and read the words. The words without a monster next to them are real words and need to make sense. The words with a monster next to them are nonsense words. THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THIS RESOURCE - please just read the words on the screen as there are quite a few pages.

Group 2 PHONICS 15.01.21

Today we will recap some of this week’s sounds. Open the resource titled ‘Real and nonsense words- Group 2’ and read the words. The words without a monster next to them are real words and need to make sense. The words with a monster next to them are nonsense words. THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT THIS RESOURCE - please just read the words on the screen as there are quite a few pages.


Today practise writing the words that contain this week’s letters. Please complete the rest of the page. Don’t forget to leave a finger space between each word. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is for you to pretend to be the wolf and for you to write a postcard to his mum.  


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in numeracy. Today’s activity is to complete the worksheet titled ‘Near Doubles – challenge sheet’.

PE LESSON 15.01.21

This is the link to today’s PE session. Today’s lesson is a yoga lesson and it is called Sonic the Hedgehog.

Thursday 14.01.21

Group 1 PHONICS 14.01.21

Today we will recap the sounds learnt this week. Complete the activities on the activity sheets. When you have done this, see if you can ask your grown up if they will read out some of the words and see if you can spell them on your own. There are only the ee and igh sounds to practice today.

Group 2 PHONICS 14.01.21

Today we will recap the sounds learnt this week. Complete the activities on the activity sheets. When you have done this, see if you can ask your grown up if they will read out some of the words and see if you can spell them on your own.


Today practise writing the words that contain this week’s letters. Please only complete the top 4 rows of words. Don’t forget to leave a finger space between each word. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to use some adjectives to write sentences to describe a woodland setting.  

NUMERACY 14.01.21

Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in numeracy. Today’s activity is to complete the worksheet titled ‘Doubles and Near Doubles’.

RE - Religious Education 14.01.21

Please find attached the slides that we will be reading through in class today in RE. Please read through these slides again and then complete the activity titled ‘The Creation Story – Part 1’. There is also a little video to watch too about the Creation Story.

Wednesday 13.01.21

PHONICS Group 1 - 13.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ow’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

ow worksheet

PHONICS Group 2 - 13.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘i__e’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

i_e worksheet


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Today will you please only complete the bottom 4 rows of letters. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to use some adjectives to describe a monster.


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in numeracy. Today’s activity is to complete the worksheet titled ‘Butterfly Doubles’. You will also need number cards 1-15.

ART LESSON 13.01.21

Please find attached the slides that I will be talking through in class today. This week the artist that we are learning about is called Piet Mondrian. After you have read through the slides you need to create your own picture in the style of Mondrian. You will need a piece of plain paper, a ruler, a black pencil or felt tip and some colours.

There is also a little video to watch about Mondrian if you want to learn more about the artist.

STORY TIME 13.01.21
Tuesday 12.01.21

PHONICS Group 1 - 12.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘igh’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

igh worksheet

PHONICS Group 2 - 12.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘a_e’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

a_e worksheet


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to write the correct l consonant blends on the sheet titled ‘l Consonant Blends’, and to write some sentences containing these words. 

NUMERACY 12.01.21

Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in numeracy. Today’s activity is to complete the worksheet titled ‘Ladybird Doubles’. You will also need the number cards 1 to 10.

PE 12.01.21

This is the link to today’s PE session. Today we are doing a fitness workout from the summer. I hope that you don’t get too puffed out!

MUSIC 12.01.21

This is today’s music lesson – Understanding Pulse.


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Complete the middle 4 rows of letters only. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.

Monday 11.01.21
PHONICS Group 1 - 11.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘ee’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

ee worksheet

PHONICS Group 2 - 11.01.21

This is today’s phonics lesson. We are learning the ‘oi’ sound. You will need a pencil and some paper.

oi worksheet


Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to write some s consonant blend words on the sheet titled ‘s Consonant Blends’, and to write some sentences containing these words.  

NUMERACY 11.01.21

Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in numeracy. Today’s activity is to choose 3 then 4 numbers and put them in order from smallest to largest. Complete the worksheet titled ‘Ordering Numbers’. You can use a number line to help you or 100 number square if you need to.

SCIENCE 11.01.21

Please read through the slides for today’s lesson. The resource sheet that you need is titled ‘Different animals’.  


Here are this week’s letters that we will be practising. Today will you please only complete the top 4 rows of letters. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.

General Resources
Friday 08.01.21

Group 1 PHONICS 08.01.21 Today we will recap the ‘ay’ sound. Look at the ‘ay words’ resource and the worksheet completed yesterday then open the resource titled ‘ay real and nonsense words’ and read the words. The words without a monster next to them are real words and need to make sense. The words with a monster next to them are nonsense words.

Group 2 PHONICS 08.01.21 Today we will recap the ‘ea’ sound. Look at the ‘ea words’ resource and the worksheet completed yesterday then open the resource titled ‘ea real and nonsense words’ and read the words. The words without a monster next to them are real words and need to make sense. The words with a monster next to them are nonsense words.

LITERACY LESSON SLIDES 08.01.21 Please find attached the slides that will be used for literacy. Today’s activity is to write some rhyming sentences just like in this week’s book about a new character.

NUMERACY 08.01.21 Please find attached the slides that will be used for numeracy. Today’s activity is to complete the worksheet titled ‘Matching numbers to words’.

PE 08.01.21

HANDWRITING 08.01.21 Today will you please only complete the bottom 4 rows of letters. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.

Thursday 07.01.21

Group 1 PHONICS 07.01.21 Today we will recap the ‘ay’ sound. Look at the ‘ay words’ resource then complete the activities on the worksheet titled ‘ay spelling activity’. When you have done this, see if you can ask your grown up if they will read out an ‘ay’ word and see if you can spell it on your own.

Group 2 PHONICS 07.01.21 Today we will recap the ‘ea’ sound. Look at the ‘ea words’ resource then complete the activities on the worksheet titled ‘ea spelling activity’. When you have done this, see if you can ask your grown up if they will read out an ‘ea’ word and see if you can spell it on your own.

LITERACY LESSON 07.01.21 Please find attached the slides that will be used for literacy. Today’s activity is to write some rhyming sentences about a cat.

NUMERACY 07.01.21 Please find attached the slides that will be used for numeracy. Today’s activity is to complete the worksheet titled ‘Is my number odd or even?’. YOU WILL NEED SOME OBJECTS TO COUNT WITH TODAY.

ART 07.01.21 Please find attached the slides that will be used for art today. Please read through these slides and then complete the activity titled ‘Colour mixing chart to complete’. YOU WILL NEED SOME PAINTS OR CRAYONS/FELT TIPS.

HANDWRITING 07.01.21 Today will you please only complete the middle 4 rows of letters. Please make sure that you take your time and do not rush. Make sure that the letters are neat and sat on the lines.

Wednesday 06.01.21

Group 1 - ay worksheet

Group 2 - ea worksheet

LITERACY 06.01.21 - Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in literacy. Today’s activity is to write some rhyming sentences about a dog.

NUMERACY 06.01.21 - Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in numeracy. Today’s activity is to complete the worksheet titled ‘Counting in 2s’. You can use a number line to help you if you need to.

SCIENCE 06.01.21 - Please find attached the slides that we talked through today in science. Please read through these slides again and then complete the activity titled ‘Animals in Winter’. There is also a little quiz at the end of the slides that you can do too.

HANDWRITING Week 1 - please only complete the 4 lines each day that are dated for each day on the sheet

HOMEWORK 06.01.21

Hello everyone,

This week’s homework has been put onto the children’s portfolios and this week it is literacy based. This week we will be finding and sorting rhyming words. This homework can be done on the sheets provided and printed off or you can do the work in your home learning book and put a photograph of your work on your portfolio.

Finding Rhyming Words - Find three more words that rhyme with the words given on the sheet.

Rhyming Words - Sort the words on the sheet so that the go into the correct rhyming group.

Microsoft Teams PowerPoint for remote learning
