Welcome to Year 3!
We are a lively and enthusiastic class of 30 children.
We love learning in lots of fun ways and we always try our best.
P.E. is on Wednesday and Thursday and full P.E. kits will be required.
Every Friday, we will have our weekly spelling test and children will be given new spellings to learn each week, they will be taught the rule for the spelling within school and also given some time to practice their spellings too.
Homework will be handed out on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday.
One of the many things that we think is really important in our class is promoting a
Reading in Year 3:
Reading books - Children should be encouraged to read their reading book every day.
Children reading RWI Phonic books will have their book changed each week. .
If your child is off the RWI Phonics books, then they will be able to choose books from our Year 3 Class Reading books found on the bookshelves of our reading area. They will have chance throughout the week to change their book and choose a new one when needed.
Reading Records - Once a child has read at home with you, then please record the date, name of book and how many pages they managed to read, then sign ready to return to school. I will check Reading Records on Fridays and award stamps and a Golden Ticket Reading Token every time your child has managed to read 5 times at home
Reading Journals - These journals are for children to use to celebrate the books they have read. Once your child has finished a book, I will encourage them to add it to their 'Books I have read in Class 3' list by writing the title and colouring in one book on their shelf! They then look at the list of activities and will choose one to complete for the book they have just finished. Children instead may want to create their own activity based on the book and that is fine. When they have completed this journal entry they are free to change their book and start the whole process again!
In Year 3, we are trying our best to learn our Times Tables and Key Maths skills.
Have a go at some of these Times Tables and Maths games we like to play: