We love Maths
at Gawber!
Our Curriculum
Together with experts from the South Yorkshire Maths Hub, we have planned and are delivering a mastery approach to Maths at Gawber in order to provide our children with a much deeper understanding of Maths. We use NCETM Ready to Progress statements to structure our granular approach to the teaching of mathematical concepts. All children are taught to have a deep, conceptual understanding of Maths so that they all make the best progress possible.
At Gawber, our curriculum content is designed to develop children’s declarative, procedural and conditional knowledge so that children can find relationships between facts, procedures and strategies in order to solve problems.
Teachers deliver high quality lessons that use a range of manipulatives and representations where necessary in order for children to ‘see the Maths’ to give them a deeper understanding. Common misconceptions and variations are presented to pupils in order to help build and attain proficiency, resilience and to develop efficient methods of working.
Our EYFS team work hard to develop children’s foundational knowledge and understand how vital this is to help them on their mathematical journeys throughout school and beyond.
Our staff are dedicated to creating 'a love for Maths culture' at Gawber. We encourage children to approach Maths with a positive attitude, even from a young age, our children are shown that Maths is fun. Our EYFS class, Year 1 and Year 1 children all take part in the daily Mastery and Number lessons too in order to embed vital number skills such as subitising and fluency.
Maths Enrichment at Gawber
At Gawber, we strive for all pupils to become independent, resilient and aspirational learners so that they achieve their full potential. Therefore, alongside daily Maths lessons, we provide ample opportunities for our pupils to develop their skills further.
In KS2, all classes take part in ‘Five A Day!’ mini Maths lessons, with a focus on recapping and refining previous knowledge and developing fluency. Our staff provide a variety of same-day interventions, pre-teaching and Maths catch-up sessions throughout school. From Year 2 to Year 6, arithmetic skills are taught alongside Maths lessons. We have clear expectations for each year group and we monitor children’s progress regularly. As a school, we have achieved high results on our Year 4 Times Table Check due to rigorous teaching and the implementation of ‘the times table sticks’ in Year 3 and 4.
Our children love challenging themselves on Times Table Rock Stars. The school took part in the Emile Times Table World Cup last year which really boosted children’s confidence. We have held STEM and TTRS days to enthuse pupils further. Gawber also offer STEAM extra-curricular activities too which are very popular!
National Numeracy Day
As part of National Numeracy Day, children took part in a competition about jobs they would like to have in the future and considered how Maths would be involved in their role.