Teacher: Miss Hazlewood
HLTA: Mrs Taylor
TA: Mrs Gorthorpe, Mrs Neal and Miss Killick
Class 6’s PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays, on these days, children will come dressed in their PE kits and can keep them on all day.
New spelling words will be given out on Friday. Children will have a week to learn their spellings and will be tested the following Friday. They need to bring their spelling book with them to school every Friday. Children are given twelve spellings words and then a stinker as a challenge word. Lots of points are on offer for effort.
Year 5/6 spelling words
In year 5, each child was given a list of spellings that they had to learn throughout the year. We continue to revise this list plus learning new words for year 6. By the end of the year, your child should aim to be able to spell the majority of the words as this is part of their checklist for reaching the 'expected standard' in writing. Don't worry, we do lots of revision on these words at school too!
Homework will be handed out on Fridays. Children will then need to bring their homework back by the following Wednesday. All homework is based on previous learning that children have done in order to see what they have retained and to help us fill any gaps.
Reading Records
Children will bring their reading records home daily and we encourage them to read every night. Each time your child reads, just sign their reading record next to the correct date. These are checked on Fridays and points are awarded for effort. Special prizes are given for exceptional effort reading at home!
Roles and responsibilities
Our Wise Owls are always very busy working and helping by carrying out many roles in school such as: Reading Leaders, Science Ambassadors, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Maths Leaders, Playground Leaders, Wellbeing Leaders and School Council.
Beyond the curriculum
We love to have fun too! Our Year 6 children will take part in lots of sporting events such as whole school running events, skipping events, athletics, football matches, lacrosse, dance, gymnastics, tag rugby competitions and so much more. We also have a Year 6 Wimbledon tennis tournament and a table tennis competition too! During the summer term, we put our spelling knowledge to the test and hold our own Spelling Bee tournament where the level is always very high! As part of our DT curriculum, each child works in a small group throughout the year to cook a meal for their peers to taste, these can range from wartime recipes based on rationing, traditional dishes from other countries, to cooking a meal with only seasonal ingredients. All Year 6 children also have the chance to use a sewing machine to design and make a very special gift.
Fun days and visits
The Wise Owls will take part in lots of fun days such as our National Non-Fiction Day based on WW2, where children take part in wartime activities for a whole day. We have many dressing up days so get planning your outfits! Some of our visits this year will include Crucial Crew where we learn about keeping safe at home and at secondary school, Whitby where we have an action-packed day full of fun activities based on our work at school and Eyam, where we learn about the Plague.