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Pupil leadership at Gawber

Children are the MOST IMPORTANT people at Gawber and Gawber Children help to lead the school in many different ways. 

Highest reward for positive behaviour

  • Our children know that being chosen to have a leadership role in school means that they have been identified as having exceptional behaviour (as identified in our children's version of our behaviour policy) and are an excellent role model. They are very proud of their roles.  They are given training to deliver their role and have regular meetings with the SLT to discuss how their role is working and whether they have any further ideas or training needs. Children with leadership roles are asked to sign a job description so that they understand the importance their role has in school.


Here are the School Council working on the community history board. 

Science Ambassadors - leading assemblies promoting a love of science


Here are the reading leaders proof reading and editing a book. 


Here are the Wellbeing Leaders leading an assembly about how to look after our mental health. 

Playground Leaders - Here are our Playground Leaders helping our younger children to practise core skills

Maths Leaders - Our maths leaders do an amazing job of supporting our younger children with key number facts

Our Specialist Early Years Wellbeing Ambassadors

Follow these links to find out more about children's leadership roles. 
