Welcome to Class 2
The Super Stars
Mrs Malpass and Mrs Wright are the class teachers. Mrs Malpass teaches Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Wright teaches Thursday to Friday. The teaching assistants in class 2 are Mrs Griffiths (HLTA), Mrs Birkbeck and Miss Cooke. Mrs Griffiths covers the PPA and leadership time for the class teachers.
PE for your child is on Mondays and Thursdays. Your child will need to come to school on those days in their PE and remain in it for the whole day. There is no need to send your child with their school uniform. All earrings must be removed before the PE lesson please.
Your child will receive spellings every Friday to practise at home. On the following Thursday, your child will be tested on these spellings. Your child may have some spellings repeated if there are words your child is still unsure of. Please can your child bring their spelling book to school every Thursday.
Every Wednesday your child will be set a maths homework task in their homework book. The homework task will reinforce their current maths learning in class. Please can all homework books be returned by the following Tuesday.
Every Monday your child will bring home their new reading book/s and reading record. In the reading record can you please record down when you have listened to your child read their school book at home. These records and comments are really important and keep us informed how your child is getting on with their reading at home and if there are any issues we need to address in school. Please can your child bring their reading record and reading books to school every day in their book bag.
Library Books
On Wednesdays, your child will select a library book they would like to borrow to share with their families at home. These books are pitched as age-appropriate books for your child but they are not decodable like their Read Write Inc books. The aim of these books is to develop a love of reading through the enjoyment of sharing and reading these books together at home. Please can your child return their library books every Wednesday so they can select a new book each week.
We award merit stickers in class for following our Class Rules and our Gawber Rules of Law. These stickers are stuck in children’s individual merit cards. Children receive bronze, silver and gold merit stickers for filling their merit cards. In addition, we have table points, children can earn points for their table. These points are totalled up each week and the table with the most points receive a prize from the treasure box!
We are always looking for volunteers to listen to children read in school. If you are interested or know a relative or family friend that would like to become a volunteer, please speak to Mrs Malpass or contact a member of staff in the school office.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information. If you ever have any questions about anything regarding your child, please do not hesitate to speak to us. Any messages to be passed on or any queries can usually be addressed through speaking to one of the class 2 members of staff on the door when children are dropped off in the morning or collected at the end of the school day. If you are unable to speak to a member of the Class 2 team, then you can contact the school office and a phone call or meeting can be arranged.