Teaching Times Tables
In EYFS and Year 1, children develop a deep understanding of number. They look at patterns and sequences. Children are also taught to subitise using a range of variations and forms. They then progress onto learning their number bonds, as these key number facts are vital in their maths journey through school.
In Year 2, 3 and 4 children learn their times tables using the 'Times Table Stick'. This involves the class focusing on one specific times table. In these sessions, children love to challenge themselves to solve 'hidden answers' by applying their knowledge from the times tables they have already learnt. At Gawber, we aim to make learning fun, so our children love the chance to whisper, shout, sing and even chant their times tables in funny voices!
Every child from Year 2 up to Year 6 has their own TTRS login. Our children love taking part in fun competitions within their year groups or between classes.
We are so determined to improve our speed so that we can become Rock Heroes. This means we can answer times table questions in under one second!
Our children and staff love taking part in special events. One of our annual events is TTRS Day, where staff and children come dressed at rockstars. During the day, each class takes part in fun maths fact activities, including having a Key Stage 2 TTRS competition!
Some of our children are so dedicated to learning their times tables and being able to recall them as fast as possible, that they even ask to stay in a lunchtimes to learn them.
At Gawber, we know the importance of knowing key number facts such as learning times tables. Recently, Years 3,4,5 and 6 all took part in a times table competition against hundreds of other primary school children across the country. Our school did particularly well and made it though to the finals!
In the final, Year 4 and 6 represented the school at the Emile Times Table World Cup competition. In two days, children in classes 4 and 6 answered an outstanding 54,949 questions correctly. This meant that as a school we came 4th out of 1,200 schools with 9 of our children coming in the top 100!