Mrs Malpass and Mrs Jones are the class teachers. Mrs Malpass teaches Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Jones teaches Thursday to Friday. The teaching assistant in class 2 is Mrs Neal. Mrs Griffiths and Mrs Duck cover the PPA time for the class teachers.
PE for your child is on Mondays and Wednesdays. If the weather is suitable, we will have some of the lessons outside so, can you please provide your child with an indoor and outdoor PE kit on these days.
Your child will receive spellings every Monday to practise during the week. On Friday, your child will be tested on these spellings. Your child may have some spellings repeated if they are words your child is still unsure of. Please can your child bring their spelling book to school every Friday.
Every Wednesday your child will set a maths homework task in their homework book. The homework task will reinforce their current maths learning in class. Please can all homework books be returned by the following Tuesday.
Every Friday your child will bring home their new reading book and reading record.
In the reading record can you please record down when you have listened to your child read their school book at home. These records and comments are really important and keep us informed how your child is getting on with their reading at home and if there are any issues we need to address in school.
Please can your child bring their reading record and reading books to school everyday in their book bag.
This year your child will be learning how to join their handwriting. In the Autumn term, children consolidate individual letter formation focusing on including the leads in to letters. In the Spring and Summer terms children learn how to join their writing in handwriting practice. When children’s individual letter formation is secure they are allowed to start joining their writing in their class work.