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Lucky Pennies

Welcome to Class 5!

We are…

The Lucky Pennies!



Welcome to Class 5. Here are a few things that you will need to know…  


You have two teachers this year.


  • Miss Knox will be in school all week but will teach you all day on Monday and Tuesday and then for the morning on Wednesday.


  • Mrs Duck will teach you on Wednesday afternoon, all day Thursday and all-day Friday.


  • Miss Killick, Mrs Birkbeck and Mrs Hanson will also be working with you throughout the week.




PE will be every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. We like to get as much fresh air as we can so please make sure you always have both an outdoor and indoor PE kit to hand. Make sure you have suitable footwear.


It is a good idea to bring your PE kit in on Monday and take it home on Friday to get it washed. That way, it is always in school for PE lessons. On the odd occasion, PE may need to move to a different day or we may have an extra session so it is handy to have your PE kit available all week.




Spellings will be sent home every Friday for you to learn. Mrs Duck will test you on these spellings each week. Throughout the week you will learn the spelling rule that accompanies the list of spellings you have taken home. On Fridays, you will also be tested on the ‘mystery spelling.’ This is a spelling that you will not have taken home but will test your knowledge of how to apply the rule.




Children in Year 5 are expected to read a few pages of their reading book at home every evening. They can read to themselves or aloud to an adult but this must be recorded in their reading record and signed by an adult. These will be checked every week.

Please bring your reading record into school every Wednesday.




Mrs Duck will set maths homework every Friday. You will take this home in a book. Please return the book to school by Wednesday so that Mrs Duck can take a look at it.


You may also be expected to complete ‘project’ homework around a theme. For this homework, you will be given longer than a week to complete it.


Castleton Residential - pre-visit video

Uploaded by Gawber School on 2024-04-14.

YV 2024 - Class 5

Class 5 had a fantastic time at Young Voices!
