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The Impact of the English Curriculum

The Impact of the English Curriculum at Gawber

By the time children leave Gawber Primary School, they have a strong command of the spoken and written language having developed their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. Gawber children read easily, fluently and with good understanding. They develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information, understanding how reading can impact their knowledge in different curriculum subject areas as well as being the most wonderful source of entertainment.

Gawber children have a wide vocabulary and the tools they need in order to explore and understand vocabulary that may be unfamiliar. They are not deterred by unfamiliar words and phrases but inspired and inquisitive, using their knowledge of language and their understanding of aids such as dictionaries, to continually further expand this vocabulary as they move onto the next stage of their education.


Gawber children have an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language. They fully appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage having explored many classic authors as well as new and upcoming writers in our bespoke curriculum.


Gawber children write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. They use discussion and debate well, elaborating and explaining clearly their own understanding and ideas as well as listening and responding respectfully to others.


Gawber children move to the next stage of their education able to speak clearly and confidently in a range of situations. They read fluently and purposefully, ready for the challenges of secondary school subjects. They compose with a clear understanding of why they are writing and who they are writing to.


Gawber children love to speak, read and write for pleasure and purpose.
