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Maths Top Tips

For the first half term, our focus for our mental maths will be the recall skills your child learnt in Year 1.  Any practise of these skills would be beneficial as a good understanding and the quick recall of these skills gives children confidence in maths and a good basis to build on when they extend their recall skills in year 2.   These skills can be practised whenever and where ever for short bursts, either orally or playing games.


  • Number bonds to 5 speedily in head

   E.g. 2 + 3 = 5

     4 + 1 = 5

     0 + 5 = 5 etc


  • Number bonds to 10 speedily in head

   E.g. 0+10=10

3+7 = 10

5+5 = 10 etc


  • Number bonds to 20 speedily in head

E.g. 10+10=20

1+19 = 20

7+13 = 20 etc


  • Confidently count forwards and backwards in 2’s (up to 24), 5’s (up to 60) and 10’s (up to 120). 


  • In addition, confidence in recognising and writing numbers 2-digit numbers correctly.


  • Confidence in counting forwards and backwards in ones to and from 100 as well as starting from different numbers.


  •  A good knowledge of the relationship between numbers – e.g. What number comes before 45?  What number comes after 68?  What number is between 27 and 29?  What numbers come between 51 and 60?




All children have been given their own log on for ‘Numbots’.  ‘Numbots’ is is to develop understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that children move from counting to calculating.

At home, children can login via the website or via the app on mobiles and tablets.  Please encourage your child to play regularly on ‘Numbots’ at home to develop their mathematical skills further.

